Product Selection
Highly experienced and qualified QA / QC inspectors teamed with procurement to source finest products to meet and exceed clients’ expectations.
The significant benefits derived from maintaining strong supplier partnerships:
- Less variation in vital process inputs when working with fewer suppliers
- Reduced need for constant monitoring of suppliers and products if the suppliers have proven to be effective at controlling their output
Our supplier selection criteria and strategies:
- Previous experience and past performance with the product/service to be purchased
- Relative level of sophistication of the quality system, including meeting regulatory requirements or mandated quality system registration (e.g., ISO 9001)
- Ability to meet current and potential capacity requirements on the desired delivery schedule
- Technical support availability and support in developing and optimizing processes
- Total cost of dealing with the supplier, including material cost, communications methods, inventory requirements, and incoming verification required
- The supplier's track record for business-performance improvement
- Flexibility in customization and build-to-order production